Back in my day,
Drexel Med had a gagillion affiliation programs with other undergrads. Seems like that is no longer the case. The only program left standing is the program with their own undergrad- Drexel. One other thing that changed is that this is now a 8 year program, or 4 + 4. The requirements haven't changed much. I'm kinda disappointed that they added an extra year to their undergrad. Last year of college is definitely not necessary. It was the most unproductive year of college. I spent that year being bored out of my mind. In reality, it only takes about 2 years to finish all the premed requirements. My guess is they want to squeeze an extra year of tuition out of these poor students.
Application Requirements:
- 1420 on SAT or 31 or ACT. Average accepted score is 1538 or 34 on ACT
- Application deadline is 11/1
How hard is it to get in?
7 out of 10
65 students are admitted out of 2298 applicants (2.8% acceptance rate). 125 applicants were interviewed.
Matriculation into Med School Requirements:
- Maintain a 3.6 GPA (used to be 3.5 back in my day)
- 513 on MCAT
- Philadelphia is a great city to be in. Extremely walkable, lots of great food, endless things to explore- you will have never run out of things to do in this city.
- No accelerated option
- The medical school is in turmoil due to loss of its primary teaching hospital (Hahnemann). It is recurrently in the rebuilding stage, having recently partnered up with Reading Hospital (NOT in Philly but in Reading, the poorest town in Pennsylvania).
Drexel undergrad is located in University City, a neighborhood in Philadelphia. It is in close proximity to University of Pennsylvania, that Ivy League school that your Asian parents know about. So right there you have some inferiority complex. Drexel has an interesting history. It had a lot of financial issues in the 1990s and was close to being bought out by its neighbor UPenn. But it managed to turn things around and even bought the med school that bears its name in the next few years. You can read more about this exciting comeback story
here and impress your interviewer with your in-depth knowledge of Drexel.
I was accepted into the Drexel BS/MD program in April of 2010. It was one of the greatest moments for me at the time. I thought then my life would be much easier from then on. However, little did I know how much work lay still lay ahead of me. My dad helped me move into my dorm in September of 2010. After that, he returned to Taiwan. And just like that, I was on my own for the first time, in an unfamiliar city.
When I moved in back in 2010, the school was undergoing rapid expansion. Walk a few blocks in any direction and you will see construction. There were some very old buildings (>50 year old) and brand new ones. The dorm I moved into, called Millennium Hall, was just built when I first moved in. Some say it looks like a PlayStation.

College life was very different. No longer are your parents around making any decisions for you. You decide for yourself when to eat, study, have fun, and sleep. With that being said, I never felt like I needed to pull an all-nighter. The party scene was not for me, as I have an inherent dislike of loud noises (how do people hear each other talk?). The classes were challenging. I realized the amount of effort needed was much more than I thought when I received an 80% on my first biology test (an A is >93%). Even so, there was much more free time. The structured life that was high school, where one goes to school at 8 then leaves at 3:45- was no longer there. There were some days where I had no classes at all. One could build their schedule to suit their liking.
College was also where I discovered there were much smarter people than me. Some people were so smart that it made me question why the world was so unfair. Tests after tests, they would score much better, despite studying much less. My roommate was an example. It definitely puts into doubt the statement “All people are equal”. Perhaps people should have equal rights. But equal abilities? No. There are vast differences in the capabilities of each individual.
And so I grinded away during my college years, just like during my high school years. This particular BS/MD program had a GPA requirement of 3.50 and a MCAT requirement of 31 (old scoring system). Our program started out with 30 people, then gradually dwindled down as some people either had a change of heart about doing medicine or couldn’t keep up with the grade requirements. Some simply overindulged in the college partying lifestyle and slipped up.
Being allergic to alcohol certainly prevented me from straying too far into the dark side (no alcohol, no party). I kept my head down and checked each requirement one by one. GPA requirement? Check. MCAT requirement? Check. And just like that I was off to medical school.
A quick calculation of how much it will cost to come to Drexel:
Drexel runs on a "term" schedule, which is basically a quarter. There are 4 quarters per year. Normally people are in school for 3 quarters and get the summer quarter off for vacation.
Undergrad tuition (listed price is per term)
18k per term x 3 terms a year = 54k per year
54k x 4 = 216k for 4 years of undergrad
Med school tuition (listed price is per semester)
60k per year x 4 years = 240k for 4 years
Tuition is 456k for 8 years
Granted, you will probably get some scholarships for the undergrad portion to lower that cost, but this price tag is ridiculous. I think when one is applying for colleges as a student without any prior job experience, the value of money doesn't really sink in. So let me just tell you as someone who has gone through it- go to the cheapest US MD school you can get your hands on.
This program gave me a chance at becoming a doctor. And for that, I am eternally grateful. With that being said, Drexel's med school is undergoing a painful change due to the fallout from closure of its primary teaching hospital- Hahnemann University Hospital (where I did my internship). Whether it fully recovers from this setback is yet to be seen.
Prestige Score
6 out of 10
Below is some old info that no longer applies
Drexel Med has quite a few linkage programs. The most popular programs (at least from my perspective) are Drexel, Villanova, and Lehigh because these schools accept the most students. They are 7 year programs, meaning that students spend three years at the undergrad and the traditional four at the med school. Credits taken from first year medical school at Drexel Med are applied toward your baccalaureate degree.
The Scholar programs have less stringent requirements for admission.They are geared towards students who wish to become generalist in Pennsylvania and New Jersey. During their clinical years in medical school, students rotate through the designated hospitals, as indicated in brackets. To be admitted, the applicant needs to complete three interviews: one at the undergraduate, one at Drexel Med, and one at the designated clinical campus. The goal of the scholar programs is to encourage student to complete local residencies, preferably in generalist specialties such as internal medicine, family practice, and pediatrics.